Beyk Automatic Door

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Commercial Access Control System

Commercial Access Control System

Imagine a world without access control. Imagine unwanted visitors roaming banks. Even worse, imagine hospitals or schools unsecure and chaotic. Would you place your trust in such institutions? Businesses around the world know the answer to that question, however. They have opted for sophisticated security solutions that would protect their assets just as it would regulate their employees’ movement around the premises for optimal productivity.


What Are Access Control Systems?
An access control system is a technology based on automatic door locks and gates. It authorizes physical access only through proper identification.
Such systems come in many forms:

• Wired or wireless

• Offline or online

• Internet source (Wi-Fi) or radio source (RFID)

• Passive (without batteries) or active (with batteries)

Types Of Authentication

This system is equivalent to hiring a security personnel for every critical access point in your building.

key Fobs & Tags

a key fob system, also referred to as RFID, is a radio frequency identiffication advice compose  of a smart key - the fob - and its reader.

Proximity Cards

To use these, Swipe the smart card while facing the key scan reader in order to initiate door access.


a pre-defined access code is given to authorized personnel to gain access to your commercial premises or parts of it.


this includes scans of different human charachteristics like fingerprint, iris or facial features.

Smartphone Apps

the access control software is linked to an app on the smartphone to lock or unlock the security portal from your phone.

Advantages Of Having Commercial Access Control

Access control systems for commercial premises proved to be necessary. With a large number of employees, and in some cases visitors, efficiency and safety are compromised. Therefore, prioritizing security solutions offers many benefits.

Decide who enters your building or certain areas of your building and when

Record entries and exists

Link the system to any HR payroll system

Promote employees' punctuality

Monitor your employees' movement around the premises

Regulate access based on job title or any other desired classification with the possibility to update lists at any time

Control the number of persons on your premises (especially in times of pandemics)

Automatically lock or unlock main doors or all doors inside your premises in case of emergency